Intel Network Platform Capabilities and Best Practice Guidance
Scaling a common hardware architecture across the cloud, network, and edge saves you time and resources, and further extends your existing software investments. You are safe in the knowledge that when you are deploying workloads across your network, developing on Intel technology offers a consistent, trusted and performant experience with software reusability. With a full suite of processors, accelerators, Ethernet adapters, memory, software toolkits and solution blueprints, Intel helps reduce risk and complexity by delivering a complete and proven set of network technology solutions as the foundation for the industry to build upon.
Total Courses: 9
Intel Network Platform System Capabilities
The Intel Network Platform takes the latest Intel foundational technologies and software enablement technologies to provide platform system level capability support to reduce development complexity, accelerate time to market and help to ensure customers and partners can take advantage of the features in Intel hardware, from core to access to edge.
Total Courses: 3
Intel Network and Cloud Edge Reference System Architectures
The Network and Cloud Edge Reference System Architectures are a future-looking, foundational, Cloud Native references in the form of Intel’s best-known-platform configurations, platform hardware and enabling software including open-source community project contributions, using a Cloud Native deployment philosophy.
Total Courses: 3
Telco Cloud - Reference Workloads, Use Cases and Implementations
The Intel Network and Cloud Edge Reference System Architectures are complemented by additional reference workload and usecase application specific examples in the form of reference examples as part of a best practice guidance for the Telco Cloud Transformation journey.