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flexiWAN SD-WAN and SASE Boosting Network and Security Performance with Open-Source SD-WAN and SASE

Last Updated: Nov 07, 2023

The flexiWAN SD-WAN is an open-source software that removes vendor lock in, allows for dynamic 3rd party applications, and seamlessly integrates with cloud security SASE applications. The software equips service providers and IT administrators with greater control over data routing and improved visibility into network traffic and security risks. In contrast to traditional systems, flexiWAN utilizes AI for smarter routing and automated self-healing to enhance network security and stability. flexiWAN brings greater flexibility and cost savings with its hardware agnostic model and customizable platform that tailors the deployment of each site based on its specific needs.

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Enterprise Intel® Smart Edge Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors NFV SD-WAN MANO vRAN