Recover Username or Password
Unlock Account user accounts are locked after 10 unsuccessful attempts. Wait 10 minutes and try again. If you are still unable to sign in, reset your password ›
Update Password, Email, or Other Account Information
To update your email or other account information, please log in to your account.
Create a Valid Password
- Eight (8) to fifteen (15) characters
- At least one alphabetic character (a-z, A-Z)
- At least one numeric character (0-9)
- At least one special character (#$%)
Do not use:
- Non-English characters
- Your username
- 'Three or more repeating characters, such as "1111" or "aaa"'
- Any email address on record for the account
- A previous password
Create a Valid Username
Usernames are case sensitive and may contain letters, numbers, and these special characters:
- period (.)
- underscore (_)
- hyphen (-)
- at symbol (@)
If updating an existing username, sign in again after waiting a minute or two for the changes to apply. Note: You may use an email address as your username; however, if your email address should change, your username will remain unaffected unless you update it by signing into your Intel account.
Use Internet Explorer* (IE)
If you experience problems viewing this site in IE*, you may need to disable the Compatibility View option. Compatibility View and related settings are found under the Tools menu in IE*. Refer to your browser help for instructions.
Other Tips
- Try a different browser. Internet Explorer is preferred, but Firefox* and Chrome* may also work.
- Enable cookies in your browser and clear your browser cache. Refer to your browser help for instructions.
- If you are not receiving expected emails from Intel, check your Spam or Junk folders.
- Check that your keyboard Caps Lock and Num Lock are off, and then retype your email and password.