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Engagement / Ecosystem Webinars / 5G Hardware Acceleration with Intel Agilex® FPGA Based Silicom SmartNICs
5G Hardware Acceleration with Intel Agilex® FPGA Based Silicom SmartNICs
Istvan Szonyi at Silicom
May 14 2024 | 56 mins
- Details
Disaggregated and virtualized Radio Access Network (RAN) enables 5G market competition and customer choice with lower equipment costs, and improved network performance. Open RAN deployments can be implemented in vendor-neutral hardware and software-defined technology, based on open interfaces and community-developed standards. Many 5G use-cases run well on pure CPU platforms, but as bandwidths increase and advanced antenna systems are deployed, hardware oftentimes struggle to keep up and start driving impractical levels of power consumption. Hardware acceleration is needed for the compute-heavy Layer-1, or physical layer. Our Intel® Agilex™ FPGA based reconfigurable SmartNICs can bring in flexible hardware acceleration options with in-line or look-a-side LDPC and SD-FEC related workload offloading.
- Istvan Szonyi, VP of Engineering
[White Paper] Intel® Precision Time Protocol Servo (Intel® PTP Servo) Solution for Time Synchronization Applications
[Website] Silicom Company Website
[Demo] Accelerated Virtual Cell Site(vCSR) Router Demo on N6000-based SmartNIC
[Webinar] Optimizing vRAN with Intel® FPGA Platform This webinar will describe the architectural elements, design criteria, technology choices and key chipset employed to build a full layer 1 offload Intel® SmartNIC for a DU in a 4G/5G RAN rollout for any market. With the O-RAN Alliance’s drive to move towards an open ecosystem and interoperable building blocks, Silicom has created an O-RAN standards-compliant Layer 1 High PHY solution over an open, fully programmable platform based on Intel® FPGA, and implemented it as a PCIe add-in card. This webinar aims to demonstrate a design example of this advanced integration and the benefits it can bring to network infrastructure solutions providers.
[Webpage] Open FPGA Stack Overview All source code and documentation on OFS
[Webpage] Unlocking Scalability: Revolutionizing Network Applications With OpenNic, DPDK and SR-IOV On Silicom FPGA SmartNIC
[Product Sheet] Silicom FPGA SmartNIC N6011
[Product Sheet] Silicom FPGA SmartNIC FB2CDG1@AGM39D-2
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